Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend Project: Mood Touch Lamp

Touchy Colours

Here’s a quick video of my Easter weekend project (well, one of them). There’s absolutely no guarentee I’ll finish it this weekend but the majority of the guts are done.

The project uses:
  • an Arduino (which I’ll later convert into a standalone board)
  • a shiftbrite (or similar) module, and
  • an old touch lamp
I ditched the 240V touch circuitry in favour of the CapSense library by Paul Badger. My sketch is hacky as a pile of hackysacks right now so if/when I’m done with the final version, I’ll post it.

Nordic Vibe

The inspiration for this project came from Sweden. My girl was watching me play with the shiftbrite module and said it reminded her of the mood rooms at the Nordic Light Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden.

I’ve noticed that certain colours make me feel better at different times of the day so I thought I might build this and experiment.

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