Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wireless Reprogrammable PS2 Controller (Part II)

Standalone Migration

I’ve spent several hours over the weekend arranging the schematic and new Vero board version of the PS2 Controller project, as well as freeing it from the Arduino tether. The controller now functions completely standalone exactly as it did when hooked up to the Arduino.

There are many benefits of migrating to a standalone from an Arduino-based project.

Some of these are:

  1. Reduced project cost (chips and resonators are WAAAY cheaper than an entire Arduino board)
  2. Freeing up your Arduino for another project
  3. Reduced physical footprint


Vero and Schematic Diagrams

In the first post I promised that I would publish the schematic once I was happy with it and I’m making good on that. This is version 1.0 of the Wireless Reprogrammable PS2 controller in both Vero and Schematic forms.

img2t img3t

Next Steps

From here, I will be making the Vero version, assembling the controller as one unit and designing and implementing ABE’s menu system, so there are more posts to look forward to yet. :)

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